Matt Elwell of ComedySportz Worldwide Visits St. Louis

Elwell visiting with CSz St Louis

Executive Director of ComedySportz (CSz) Worldwide, Matt Elwell, stopped by this weekend to visit with the newly established CSz St. Louis team in St. Charles, Missouri, to go over some of the finer points of putting on a stellar show for our fans.

Matt Elwell, CPLP calls his CSz home base in the windy city of Chicago, where he is a player on the field as well as the Learning & Development Director.  He has an impressive background, specializing in promoting the Talent Development profession and creating learning experiences used by large, worldwide corporations, such as AT&T and McDonalds.

So, what was Matt exactly doing in our neck of the woods?  

He touched on some very specific themes for us, one of them revolving around rituals in ComedySportz.  And we know what you're thinking...not those kinds of rituals--we're a family friendly, clean show after all!

But rituals that remind us of the details we need in a show to make the transition to new games and moments within playing on the field, more enjoyable for our loyal fans.  

Oh, time to rotate players?  Well, you are *clap* *clap* outta here!

Time to go to a new game?!  Dance music commence!

Moments like these examples are what make the show polished--or AS polished as it can be.  It is improv, after all.

So remember the next time you see us perform group moments, Red and Blue alike.  We're constantly learning and improving for you...our loyal fans.

Until next time,
CSz St. Louis

Kim Kaporis